Water Conservation Measures
Water conservation is an important necessity in our community. Help protect, preserve, and secure our community by doing you part and learning about water conservation.

Measure 1
Residential and commercial location bearing a street address ending on an odd number, shall be permitted to irrigate only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Locations bearing a street address ending in an even number shall be permitted to irrigate only on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. No irrigations permitted on Mondays.

Measure 2
Irrigation water shall not be allowed to run off adjoining property or to the roadside ditch or gutter.

Measure 3
Open hoses are not permitted. Automatic shut-off nozzles are required.

Measure 4
Use of water to clean sidewalks, driveways and patios is not permitted. Washing of streets or commercial parking lots with a hose is not permitted, except to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation hazards.

Measure 5
Leaking pipes, fixtures or sprinklers shall be repaired promptly.

Measure 6
No landscape irrigation shall be permitted between the hours of 12:00 noon and 6:00pm.
Water Conservation Tips

Tip 1
Water early in the morning when there is less evaporation, and avoid watering on windy days.

Tip 2
Aerate your lawn allowing water to reach the roots faster.

Tip 3
Use mulch or peat moss around schrubs and trees to reduce evaporation and keep weeds out.

Tip 4
If you are planting new landscaping, look into “low water” type plants, trees and ground cover.

Tip 5
For pools, use a pools cover, to reduce evaporation.

Tip 6
Operate washing machines and dishwashers with full loads only.

Tip 7
Use water saving showerheads and toilet devices. Low-flow showerheads will not only conserve water but also cut electric bill.
Our Board meetings are held on the second Monday of every month, excluding holidays.
Agendas are available online from Florin County Water District.
Minutes are available online from Florin County Water District.